Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Veduta interna della Stanza contigua alla Camere sepolcrali de’ Liberti, e Servi… (Interior View of the Room next to the Tomb Chamber of the Freedmen and Slaves etc. of the Family of Augustus)
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Series: The Antiquities of Rome (Le Antichità Romane)
Medium: Etching on laid paper
Dimensions: 15 3/4 x 17 3/8 inches
Signature: Signed lower right, Piranesi Architetto
Artist details: Italian, 1720 - 1778
Date of plate: 1756
Date of impression: 1784
Edition: Vol. III, Plate XXXIX
Reference: Wilton-Ely 454
Condition: Light foxing, some minor soiling and 1/4-inch area of loss along centerfold, tape along left and right edges verso.
Medium: Etching on laid paper
Dimensions: 15 3/4 x 17 3/8 inches
Signature: Signed lower right, Piranesi Architetto
Artist details: Italian, 1720 - 1778
Date of plate: 1756
Date of impression: 1784
Edition: Vol. III, Plate XXXIX
Reference: Wilton-Ely 454
Condition: Light foxing, some minor soiling and 1/4-inch area of loss along centerfold, tape along left and right edges verso.