Unattended Lunches
Regular price $450.00 USDSeries: SMS No. 6: December 1968
Medium: Hand-bound pamphlet with magic marker cover drawing containing typewritten pages of proposed menus of American food
Dimensions: 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches
Artist details: Swedish/American, 1929 - 2022
Date of impression: 1968
Edition: of 2000
Publisher: The Letter Edged in Black Press
Recommended by Paige (Collections Manager):
"An absurd and almost pointless project, Oldenburg finds just the right amount of humor while looking at the precious, boring thing we call everyday life. Although very different from his famous large-scale sculptures, this booklet is captivating to me precisely because it's so small and personal. After his recent passing, this piece and the meaning of 'unattended' are even more intriguing."